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What We Do


We love to look at a piece of land and think of what we can create! These ideas help build communities, not just through the businesses that are added but also through the jobs that are created.


At our core, we are developers. We take pride in developing buildings and projects that will last for generations, projects that become a central part of a community. However, none of these projects would have been possible without the people. We look for ways to develop our employees and help them reach their goals.


Yes, we build buildings and love to do that, but our number one asset truly is our employees. Through the entire process of creating, developing, and building a project, our employees are the key. Our goal is to build first-class developments while building the careers of our employees.

Do Anything

Do Anything is a nod to our founder, Allen Ball, a man who believes success is always within reach when you marry good ideas with good people. Our attitude remains the same. We have a firm belief that together, we can do anything.